Oshkosh 2009 (Pg 13)



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Photo of the homebuilt camping area somewhat near where we were parked, taken on the only day we really saw any kind of cloud cover (fortunately or unfortunately depending how you look at it, we got to the show late in the week so missed the rain that came through on one of those earlier days):


Justin walking towards the showers from our parking/camping site.  If I remember correctly, I believe the taildragger RV parked next to us in this picture was from somewhere near Seattle:


This is a photo of the homebuilt airplane camping area taken from our row.  The blue on white taildragger RV on the right was from south Texas.  He got there same time we did and left same day we did.  The all-blue high wing airplane on the far right and next row over is a Rans that flew to OSH from Livermore, CA not too far from where we came from and although his plane is considerably slower than mine, we landed in Rawlins, WY within 10 minutes of each other the night before we got to OSH and then ended up landing at OSH within 10 minutes of each other and camped two rows apart for three days.  When we met him (Mark) in Rawlins, WY we borrowed the airport beater courtesy Suburban together, went out to dinner together and stayed at the same hotel in town.  Only difference in our trips was that Justin and I left CA about 3 hours after him, enjoyed much longer fuel stops all along the route, and spent several hours on the ground in Portage, WI before flying into OSH the night we got there while Mark spent all that time flying.  But regardless of what route and how fast we got there, I know we both enjoyed making the trip in the planes we built! 



This composite homebuilt (I think it's a KIS cruiser) was parked and camping in the row right behind us and had such a cool paint job that I had to get a few good pictures:


This is my favorite picture of the trip.  It was taken within an hour of our arrival at OSH for Airventure 2009 just after we had set up camp and wrapped up the RV for the night and my emotions were still running pretty high, having just completed a trip that I wanted to make for more than 13 years but was sometimes not sure I would even live to see....and to make the trip with my son, giving him some aviation memories I know he will never forget, just made it even better.  Now I need to get the plane painted so I can go back someday with my RV looking a little nicer:


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  This page was last updated on 12/18/11.


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